..... Crunch
Target: upper abdominals Work your abs to build a solid
six-pack with this classic midsection move.
Start position Movement
Rest your fingers on your temples and don’t pull Contract your abs to lift your shoulders off the floor
your neck, Hold your head off the floor, Bend your Keep your lower back in contact with the floor and
knees at 90˚ and keep your feet flat on the floor curl your chest towards your knees Pause at the
top of the move to squeeze your abs, then lower slowly to the start
..... Reverse crunch
Target: lower abdominals Hit your easily neglected lower abs with this simple move.
Keep your head and shoulders on the floor and Contract your abs, then curl your knees
your arms by your sides,Your thighs should be towards your chest, keeping your knees
vertical and your knees should be bent at 90˚ bent at 90˚, Pause at the top, then lower slowly to the start
Target: obliques Work your side abs for a fuller
development of your abdominals.
Lie on your side with one arm in front of you, Use your side abs to crunch up sideways,
bending your knees for stability, Touch your pause at the top of the move and lower
fingers to your temples on the side you’re slowly to the start
going to crunch
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