7 exclusive Exercises: Press-up
.... Press-up
Target: chest, triceps Do this classic move to build your chest and arms.
Start position
Start with your hands level with your shoulders, just wider than
shoulder-width apart, Keep your body in a straight line from head
to heels throughout the move
Lower your body, making sure you keep your elbows
pointing back rather than to the sides
Target: triceps, chest Placing your thumb and index fingers together shifts the emphasis on to your triceps.
Start position
Hold your body in a straight line from head to heels, with
your thumbs and index fingers together to form a
diamond shape
Lower your body, making sure you keep your elbows
pointing back rather than to the sides
Target: chest, core Turn the press-up into an explosive
move that works your body in more than one plane of motion.
Lower down, keeping your elbows tucked in to your body (B), Push up powerfully and
twist your body, rolling on to the sides of your feet and keeping your body in a straight
line, Raise one arm overhead with your arm straight, then return to the start and perform the move on the opposite side
Target: chest, triceps Develop your fast-twitch muscle fibres by pushing up explosively so both palms leave the floor.
Start position
Begin in the press-up position
Lower down, keeping your elbows tucked in to your body, Push up
explosively so your hands leave the floor, land and go straight into
the next jump press-up
.... Press-up with knee lift
Target: chest, triceps, core Adding a knee lift to the press-up challenges your core because it’s forced to stabilise your body in an awkward position.
.... Decline press-up
Target: upper chest, triceps, shoulders By raising your feet you place more emphasis on your upper chest.
.... One-leg press-up
Target: chest, triceps, core Keeping one leg raised while you perform the move will challenge your core because
you’re trying to keep stable while balancing on one leg.
Target: chest, triceps, core Adding a knee lift to the press-up challenges your core because it’s forced to stabilise your body in an awkward position.
Start position
Get into a press-up position with your hands beneath your
shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to heels
Lower your chest to the floor while bringing one knee up to
your elbow, Take care not to rotate your body as you lift your
knee, and alternate sides with each press-up
Target: upper chest, triceps, shoulders By raising your feet you place more emphasis on your upper chest.
Start position
Get into a press-up position with your feet on a chair or box, your hands
beneath your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to heels
Lower your upper body, keeping your elbows pointing back, not out, until
your nose almost touches the floor, then push back up
Target: chest, triceps, core Keeping one leg raised while you perform the move will challenge your core because
you’re trying to keep stable while balancing on one leg.
Start position
Get into a press-up position with your hands beneath your shoulders
and your body in a straight line from head to heels
Lift one foot off the floor and lower your chest to the floor, keeping
your elbows pointing back rather than out Complete your reps for that
set and swap legs each set
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