Skill development is enhanced through practice and
instruction or coaching. Success in lots of sports is directly related to
fitness levels, achieved by sport-specific training. For example, to be
successful, competitive distance runners must have a high level of
cardiovascular fitness, which is developed through following a rigorous jogging
training program.
Training: A planned
program of exercise with the objective of improving or maintaining athletic
Sports nutrition: The
application of nutrition & exercise physiology principles to support &
enhance training.
Energy: The capacity to do work. In the
context of dietary intake, defined as
the caloric content of a food or beverage.
Aerobic: “With oxygen.” Used in reference
to exercise that primarily makes use of the oxygen-dependent energy method, oxidative
Anaerobic: “Without
oxygen.” Used in reference to exercise that primarily makes use of or both of
the energy systems that are not dependent on oxygen, creatine phosphate or
anaerobic glycolysis.
Intensity: The absolute
or relative difficulty of physical activity or exercise.
Cardiovascular fitness: Ability to
perform endurance-type activities, determined by the heart’s ability to provide
a sufficient amount
of oxygen-laden blood to exercising muscles and the
ability of those muscles to take up and use the oxygen.
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