Lie facedown on the ball and walk your body forward so it
supports your hips only, hands on the floor. 

Squeeze your glutes and raise your legs behind you until they’re level with your torso.


Place the ball against a wall and stand with your back against it, holding it in place. 

Place your feet shoulder width and turn your toes out about 15 degrees. 

Squat down as low as you can, rolling the ball down the wall as you descend.


Place the ball against a wall and lie back on it so your
upper back is supported and your butt is in front of the
ball hovering above the floor. 

Place the soles of your feet together and rest them on the floor in front of you.

Brace your abs, push your knees out, and drive your feet
into the floor to raise your hips until they’re level with
your torso.


Brace your abs and raise your hips into the air as described
above, but keep your knees straight. 

From there, bend your knees and roll the ball back toward you. Keep your hips elevated throughout the set.


Lie faceup and rest your feet on the ball. Bend your
knees 90 degrees, rolling the ball toward you a bit. 

Brace your abs and drive through your heels to raise your hips into the air until they’re in line with your torso.


We've included a touch of hamstring w orkout into the glute preparing to reinforce both muscle bunches, on the grounds that they work in conjunction to broaden your hips, however this will additionally hone the refinement between the two where they meet on the once again of the leg. 

Particularly , you'll exhaustion your hams with hip pushes on the ball and after that complete them off with hamstring twists your glutes will be terminating also to balance out you. 

The butterfly hip push gives an alternate test. Thione focuses on the gluteus medius, which is generally 
immature and can prompt insecurity and shortcoming 
in the whole lower body. At the point when raised, it can likewise  make for firmer-looking rear end, which nobody grumbles about. 

Perform the combined activities (denoted "A " and "B") as 
supersets. S o you'll do one set of An and afterward B before resting. Finish all the endorsed sets for the pair before proceeding onward.


Get into pushup position with your toes on the ball. Bend your hips and roll the ball toward you so your torso becomes vertical. Roll back so your body is straight again and extend your spine, then roll the ball up your legs so your body forms a straight line with arms extended overhead but hands still on the floor. 

You should look like Superman flying downward. That’s one rep. Pull with your lats to return to the pushup position and begin the next rep.