Get motivated

You’ll need to stay motivated to achieve your goals. Here’s how to maintain your workout enthusiasm

Set realistic, measurable goals
Don’t set yourself up for a fall by aiming for something unrealistic such as losing two stone in two weeks. A measurable goal, such as wanting to lift 80kg on the

bench press, will give you focus and you can track your progress.

Change your routine
Every two weeks you should make a change to your routine. It could be something simple such as the order of your exercises or introducing variations of a move. Doing that keeps your workouts fresh and gives your body the stimulus it needs to keep progressing.

Give it five minutes
On days where you’re struggling for motivation, get changed into your workout gear and do five minutes of your routine. The chances are that you’ll want to carry on and do your full workout. If you don’t want to carry on, you need to look at your overall programme to work out why you’re so unmotivated.

Take a step back
If you’re really struggling, ask yourself what’s making things difficult. Are you doing the same thing over and over again, are you stressed or not inspired by your
environment? There will be a reason. As soon as you’ve identified that obstacle you can try to do something about it.

Keep a training diary
Recording and seeing your progression down on paper gives you great motivation. You don’t have to record every detail of your workout, you could just write down your performance for the two biggest lifts in your workout. That will also help you realise when you need to change your
routine because you’ll easily spot when you’ve stopped progressing.

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