1  For weights workouts

a) Do three to five minutes of moderate cardio activity, such as rowing or running on the treadmill.

b) Perform some dynamic movements, such as walking lunges, marching on the spot, arm and leg swings, calf raises and squat jumps – see opposite. Build up the speed of these exercises gradually. These movements will prime your muscles for explosive action. Take
your time and recover between sets.

c) Perform a very light set of 10 reps of the weights exercise you are going to attempt. Take a minute or two to recover before completing your designated workout.

 2  For cardio workouts

Follow parts 'a' and 'b' of the weights warm-up, but use the same cardio equipment you're going to use for the main part of your workout. Also, if you're planning to do either the stair sprint or the running sprint do 4 progressively faster runs over 40m, taking recovering fully between efforts.

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