Improving your cardio fitness

Structure your cardio sessions to complement your weight training

  Don’t do weights and cardio back to back 
If your main goal is to build muscle, keep weights and
cardio sessions separate. Doing cardio immediately
before weights will leave you feeling tired and will lead to poor lifting performance. Doing cardio straight after a weights session can undo the musclebuilding
effects of a workout. The answer is to do them
on separate days, which gives your muscles time to recover between sessions.

 2 ..Change your routine
When you start a run – or any other type of cardio activity – your body uses energy from its own fat supplies and the food you’ve eaten. After about 45 minutes of exercise it then switches to take energy
from your muscles, and will eventually break down
muscle tissue as you steadily plod away. The solution,
unsurprisingly, is to keep your cardio sessions to under 45 minutes in length. To avoid losing out on the cardio benefits of a long run, make your sessions intense. The best way to do this is by doing intervals. An interval session involves periods of intense activity followed by
periods of lower intensity recovery. Try the interval
session in the box below. As your fitness improves, you

can increase the duration or intensity of intervals without lengthening the session.

  Keep eating
The right nutrition is vital to achieving the body you want. If you’re doing both weight training and cardio it becomes even more important because you need to fuel your exertions in the cardio sessions and still have enough calories to build the muscle you’ve trained so hard for.

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