How to stretch
13 Full-Body Stretching Exercises
..... Calves
Take a step forward
and press your back
heel down to feel
the stretch in your
rear calf.
.... Hamstrings
Keep your front leg straight and
lean forward to feel the stretch in the
hamstring of your front leg.
............................. Quads
Hold your ankle
and push your hips
forward to feel the stretch in your thigh.
..... Hip flexors
Step forward into
a lunge so that
your back knee
is in contactwith
the ground. Keep
your body upright
and push your hips
..... Adductors
Touch your soles
together and press
gently on your knees
with your elbows.
.... Glutes
Stand on one leg
and balance the
bottom of your
raised shin on your
standing knee.
..... Abs ..... LatsLie on a mat with palms under Kneel down and extend one arm
your shoulders and your out so it rests on the ground. Press
elbows tucked in. Then raise down on your leading arm to feel the
your shoulders while keeping stretch down your side.
your hips on the ground.
..... Lower back
Keeping your shoulders flat
on the floor, bend one
knee at 90˚ and rotate your
hips to send one leg over the
other, pressing down to feel
the stretch.
..... Chest ..... Traps
With your palms Pull gently on
facing forwards, take your head and
your arms back pull your opposite
to feel the stretch shoulder down.
across your chest.
..... Biceps
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