Use this recovery tool to simulate a sports massage
Woam rolling is an increasingly popular part of post-workout recovery when it comes to
injury prevention. It has similar effects to a sports massage with the added advantage that
you can use it on yourself. The purpose of foam rolling is to improve your muscles’ range of motion and reduce muscle soreness. The target is the fascia – the soft part of the connective tissue that supports and protects the muscles.
Change your routine
Overtraining, impact or injury can restrict the fascia, resulting in muscular inflammation, pain and tension. Myofascial release is a form of therapy
that relaxes these muscles.
How it works
Foam rolling breaks the cycle of inflammation that leads to fibrosis, or thickening of the connective tissue, that causes the muscular tension that results in further inflammation. Myofascial release provides sustained, gentle pressure for a short time, which relaxes the
affected muscles, increases circulation and fluid drainage and stimulates the stretch reflex of the muscle and connective tissues.
What you need
Reebok Short Roller, £19.49
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