Foam rolling Exercises

Use this recovery tool to simulate a sports massage

               ....  Hamstrings
Balance on your hands with one or both of your hamstrings on the roller. Roll from the glutes to the knee.


             ....   Hip flexors
Balance on your forearms with one hip on the roller. Roll from your upper thigh to your hip.

           ....   Iliotibial band
Position the roller under the outer thigh. Roll from your hip to your knee.

           ....   Glutes
Start in the same position as for the hamstring roll, but move the roller to your backside.

           ....   Quads
Balance on yourforearms with one or both thighs on the
roller. Roll from your hips to your knees.

           ....   Calves
Start in the same position as the hamstring roll but roll from your knees to your ankles.

           ....   Lower back
Lie with the roller under your middle back, then roll until it reaches the top of your glutes.

           ....   Lats
Lie on your side on the roller with your lower
arm outstretched. Roll from your underarm to your waist.

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